The Aggressor – The hustlers are the ones that advertise way too much. They will run up to you if they see you on the street just to tell you about the newest, strongest strain they have. All of these strains usually have crazy names like Acapulco Platinum Haze or something wild like that.
Money is Money – The guy that will give you a dime for $8.75. He sees money as money so will hook you up with deals every now and then. We like this guy.
Paranoido – The guy that is scared of everything. He doesn’t want you to call or text anything. He wants you to park you car 3 blocks away. He wants you to come by yourself and will never tell you what his real name is.The Part Time Hustler – This is the guy that you can only catch at certain times in the day. You know if you call him between the hours of 12pm-6pm he will be available but if you try to get him any other time, he just won’t pick up the phone at all.
Mr. Flakiness – I hate this guy. He’s the one that will tell you he’s not available and he’ll call you back in 20 minutes. 20 minutes never comes though. He will have you waiting all day and then when you finally get tired of waiting and decide to call him, he’s not picking up. Then he calls the next day with it. You still get it but you are pissed that you couldn’t get it when you originally wanted.
Gift Giver – This is the guy that makes you smoke up in order to get the weed. Sometimes that’s cool because you get some weed and he smokes you up, but sometimes you just want to grab some and go because you have things like work or something to go to. Although it’s usually pretty good.
Buddy Buddy – The ones that want to become your friend. I have enough friends. I just want to make my purchase and go.
The Sleezball – The one that will exchange weed for sexual favors and isn’t ashamed about it.
The Infomercial – The hustlers that falsely advertise to you. They tell you their stuff is the best stuff you will ever smoke and it turns out to be schwag with air freshener sprayed on it.
Mr. Reliable – This is our favorite guy. You can always rely on him to have good bags, good prices, and he is consistent. This is a guy you want to know. You can move away and move back and he will still be there.
The Delivery Boy – This is the guy that will delivery your weed to your door. He has the car and the time to do it and doesn’t realize that he saves money if he makes you come to him. Often times, these guys have jobs as delivery guys for other places. It is always great when you find a guy that delivers Pizza and weed.
Mr. No Shorts – The guy that never cuts you a deal ever, you either have the normal price or you aren’t walking away with anything.
The Backwards Hustler – The guy who only hustles to support their own habit. He is only getting an O every time he re-ups. He is smoking half, hustling half, and doing it over and over again. For years. Never progressing.
The Social Hustler – He is not a regular hustler. Hes not normally the weed man but he will have every so often. If he is at a party, you can bet that he bought an extra 1/8 to hustle off some. Other than that, don’t expect to get anything from this guy on a regular basis.
One and Done – These are the guys that you see one time and one time only. They usually have a great deal, you get their number and everything but for one reason or another, you never see them again in life.
Well Known Hustlers – These are the guys you go to just for their reputation. They may not have the best stuff but they just have high status or they know a celebrity or something.
Phone Hustler - This is the guy who you never really know where he is because he is always someplace new but if you call him, he will get up and meet you somewhere with a few bags.
Stationary Hustler - This is the guy that is always posted up on the corner or in front of the bodega. You can’t call him but you can pretty much bet that most times in the day he will be out at his spot.
Mr. Middleman – The “I gotta holla at my man” hustlers. The one that never have anything of their own but always know someone that has it.
Till then, with snow come to you,