Monday, October 24, 2011

surviving high school Quiz!!!

1. Quiz Answers (Football Season)

1. Shakespeare wrote in.... -------> Iambic pentameter.
2. Which of these is a book by John Steinbeck? -----> The Grapes of Wrath
3. The Scarlet Letter was the letter.... ------> A
4. What is Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew" classified as? -----> A
5. Who wrote The Great Gatsby? -----> F. Scott Fitzgerald.
6. What does Pride and Prejudice end with? ------> A marriage proposal.
7. Who was one of the original three musketeers? ----> Aramis.
8. What is Odysseus trying to do in the Odyssey? ----> Return to Ithaca.
9. What is Jane Eyre's occupation? ----> Governess.
10. Which of these is a synonym of the word "ephemeral"? -----> Transient
11. What are the names of the two main characters in Of Mice and Men? ----->
George and Lennie.
12. Which of these is a character in The Canterbury Tales? ---> The Knight.
13. What pen name did Emily Bronte write under? -----> Ellis Bell.
14. Who is the main character in 1984? ------> Winston Smith.
15. In "Wuthering Heights," where do the Earnshaws live?
----> Wuthering Heights.

1. 60-17 -----> 43
2. 10+11+12 ------> 33
3. 96/3 -------> 32
4. 1+2+3+4 -----> 10
5. Which of these was a famous mathematician? ----> Blaise Pascal.
6. 12x13 ------> 156
7. 4x4x4 -----> 64
8. 99+98+97 ------> 294
9. 111 + 167 ------> 278
10. If A =4B and A =20, what is B? -----> 5
11. 50x 50 -----> 2,500
12. The sum of the interior angles of a trapezoid is... -----> 360 degrees.
13. Roughly how many centimeters are in an inch? ----> 2.54
14. 3x3x3 -------> 27
15. What comes next: 2, 4, 8, 16... ---> 32.

1. What is the title of Luo Guanzhong's 14th-century historical novel about
China? -----> Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
2. The Russian city of St. Petersburg was at one time called... ---> Leningrad
3. Who led the Greek city-states in the Battle of Thermopylae? ----> Sparta.
4. Which of the following was an American Civil War battle? ----> Antietam.
5. The world's first artificial Earth-orbiting satellite was called... ---->
6. Which of these cities was founded by Peter the Great? -----> St. Petersburg
7. Brown v.s The Board of Education was about... -----> Segregation.
8. A famous Indian leader was ________ Ghandi. -----> Mahatma.
9 Complete the phrase: Life, liberty, and _________ ------> The pursuit of
10. Which of the following men assassinated an American president? ------>
John Wilkes Boothe.
11. When was the Battle of the Bulge fought? -----> World War II.
12. Which of these was the last dynasty of China? ---> Qing.
13. Maximilien Robespierre was an influential figure in ---> The French
14. A movement to end women's suffrage would be to abolish women's ---> right to vote
15. The mason dixon line was commonly seen to separate? ---> The Northern And Southern Part Of United States

1. How many chromosomes does a normal human being have? -----> 46.
2. Mitosis is a process where.... ------> One cell splits in two.
3. An environmental area inhabited by a particular organism is its...
-> Habitat.
4. How many stomachs does a cow have? -----> 4.
5. In human beings, the largest organ is the... -----> Skin.
6. Which order do humans belong to? -----> Primates.
7. Which of the following is a mollusk? A clam.
8. Anemia is a disorder of the ....Blood.
9. Genetically speaking, blue eyes are .... Recessive.
10. Which of the following is a blood type? O
11. Ninety-five percent of the animals on Earth are....Invertebrates.
12. Which of these creatures has radial symmetry? ---> A jellyfish.
13. Which creature is commonly associated with malaria? ---> The mosquito.
14. The Galapagos islands are famous for their contribution to. --->
Evolutionary Theory.
15. Ornithology is... ---> The study of birds.